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The Historical


                 of Frankford

                      and Museum


•Monthly lectures March-June and September-December 

•Museum open to public by appointment

•Library reference and research services

The Historical Society of Frankford collects, preserves and presents the history of Frankford and vicinity. The Society documents and interprets the history of the people, places, events, and traditions of this area and serves as an advocate for the preservation of the region’s historic resources. Through its collections and programs, the HSoF provides opportunities for its members, the surrounding community, and the general public to explore and appreciate the history of Frankford and its place in the world.

Old Paper Transparent


The Historical Society of Frankford is happy to announce that we have returned to in-person lectures. Masks are optional and we have also resumed serving refreshments. Y'all come!

Note that we will continue to stream our live meetings in real time for those unable to attend in person.

Upcoming Lectures

The Enduring Legacy of the Marquis de Lafayette.  A Presentation by Graham Brent


This month we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the return to the United States, and in particular to Philadelphia, of Major General (Marquis de) Lafayette. Dubbed the “Nation’s Guest” and at the official invitation of President Monroe and Congress, the Revolutionary War hero enjoyed a rapturous reception in all 24 states of the Union during his 13-month tour. Nowhere were the celebrations more elaborate and engaging than during the eight days he spent in Philadelphia in 1824 and again in 1825.

In his presentation, “The Enduring Legacy of the Marquis de Lafayette: Celebrating the Bicentennial of Lafayette’s Triumphant Return to the United States” Graham Brent, member of the Philadelphia Lafayette Bicentennial Committee, will delve into the who, why, what, when and how of the Bicentennial Program developed by the American Friends of Lafayette (AFL).  This Program is designed not only to highlight the landmark achievements of Major General Lafayette in the Revolutionary War but also to promote his enduring legacy in the areas of civil rights and social justice that has important implications for us all today.

1507 Orthodox Street

Philadelphia, PA


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Pennsylvania Before Penn
Speaker: Rev. Dr Kim-Eric Williams


Few people in the Delaware Valley remember that before the birth of

Wiliam Penn, we had a functioning Governor, Court, Church, and organized military in a colony called New Sweden. Its fascinating creation, accomplishments, and tragic end will be illuminated by the Rev. Dr. Kim-Eric Williams, retired Swedish Professor from the University of Pennsylvania, Historian of the Swedish Colonial Society and Curator of the New Sweden Historical Gallery at the Lazaretto in Essington, PA.


While the colony only officially lasted seventeen years, from 1638 to 1655, its influence was significant and today some 20-30 million American can trace their genealogy to one or more of these early settlers. The Swedish Colonial Society is the oldest Swedish historical organization in this country (1909) and has as one of its main tasks to assist people in finding their Swedish or Finnish roots, This Society now has over 700 members and even members in Sweden and Finland.


Many people know that Gloria Dei, Old Swedes Church in South Philadelphia is the oldest church in Pennsylvania but few recognize that in 1700 its “Districts”

Included people in New Jersey and even “Pennypack” from which nine households are listed as donors to its building. Maybe one of their descendants will come to this presentation?  They were: Pär Rambo, Nils Jestenberg, Eric Jestenberg, Matz Keen, Hans Laican, Eric Keen, John Reynolds, Herman Enock and Eric Mollicka.

1507 Orthodox Street

Philadelphia, PA


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For videos of past programs click 

Parking is available in the lot across the street thanks to Frankford Friends.

For more information on events see our Facebook page by following the link in our contact section below. 

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